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Friday, September 17, 2010

Jennie Propsom Conlon's Grandparents and Parents

Click on photos to see it larger
The Henry and Lizzy Kartheiser Family
Grandparents of Jennie Propsom Conlon 
Date: mid 1860s estimated
Jennie's mother is third from left in the back row.  
Front: Nick, Lizzie, Agnes, Rose, Henry, Anna
Back: Maggie, Mary, Katie (Catherine Kartheiser Propsom mother of Jennie) 25 in 1865, Will 15 in 1865

Children of Peter and Catherine Kartheiser Propsom
Date: 1888?
Front: Jennie Propsom Conlon 8 yrs, Kate Propsom Writt 10 yrs, Matt Propsom 6 yrs.
Back: Margaret Propsom 22 yrs, Mary Propsom Moeller Poehler 16 yrs, Tillie Propsom 3 yrs, Elizabeth Propsom 15 yrs. 

Peter and Catherine Kartheiser Propsom Family
Date: 1893?
Front: Peter 64, Tille 8, Catherine 46
Back: Matt 11, Margaret 17, Mary 21, Elizabeth 20, Katherine 15, Jennie Propsom Conlon 13 
Peter died three years later  (3/26/1828 to 10/18/1896) in 1896 when Jennie was 15 years old.
According to comments made by Rose Conlon Fuller in the 1970s, Catherine Propsom had her right hand and forearm crushed in a wringer when she was about 7 or 8 years old. In later life she elected to have that portion of her arm removed. In this photo Catherine appears to be covering/supporting that hand.

Catherine Kartheiser Propsom 
Dated: 1903
Note clothing in this and next photo.  Both probably taken the same day.

Peter and Catherine Kartheiser Propsom Family
Date: 1903?
 Jennie's dad, Peter had already passed away. Date of photo based on ages of family members in 1903. Mary 31, Lizzy 30, Catherine 56, Margaret 27, Tillie 18, Matt 21, Katherine 25, Jennie 23. Catherine Propsom does not show her right arm/hand in this photo.  A photo from the Pat Conlon Walter collection, taken after the above picture,  appears to show Catherine with two arms. 
Click here for the photo supporting the "Right Arm Mystery".  Anyone know the story behind this loss? 
Five photos above from Rose Conlon Fuller collection

Catherine Propsom and Daughters
Date: Mid 1930s 
Front: Mary Propsom Poehler , Catherine Kartheiser Propsom 88 in 1935 (B 12 Sept 1847, D 27 July 1937), Elizabeth "Lizzie" Propsom 62 in 1935
Back: Margaret Propsom 59 in 1935, Othelia "Tillie" Propsom 50 in 1935, Jennie Propsom Conlon 55 in 1935, Katherine Propsom Writt 57 in 1935
Absent: Mathew "Matt" Propsom. Deceased: Peter Propsom
Catherine does not show her right arm/hand in this photo.
Above photo from Pat Conlon Walter Collection.

Katherine Kartheiser Propsom's Right Arm Mystery

The photo below shows Catherine Kartheiser Propsom, right, mother of Jennie Propsom Conlon, in front of her home on Jefferson St and N. 7th Ave. It was next to her son Matt's home. Both homes are there today, although they are no longer residences but shops. Catherine's home eventually became the home of Lizzy and Margaret, her daughters. Catherine' youngest daughter Tillie Propsom (B 4 Mar 1885, D 13 Oct 1940) is in the back and Mary Propsom Puehler (B 9 Feb 1872, D 14 June 1952), the oldest daughter is on the left. In discussing this with Pat Conlon Walter, we believe the photo was taken in the early 1930's. Note the enlarged section of the photo showing what appears to be Catherine's right hand on Tillie's left arm.  ...but Catherine's hand and forearm were crushed in a wringer when she was young and she elected to have it removed when she got older. That information came from Rose Conlon Fuller many years ago. The mystery continues.

Click on picture to make it larger.

Date: 1931?
Pat Conlon Walter, right, with her grandmother, Catherine Propsom 84 in 1931, center, and cousin Marian Writt Graf daughter of Kate Propsom Writt - Jennie's sister.  Marian is the oldest grandchild 29 in 1931 (B 03 May 1902, D29 June 1993).  Pat is the youngest grandchild 5 yrs in 1931 (B 19 Aug 1926). Catherine would be in her 80s at the time the photo was taken. We are estimating that this photo was taken around 1930 or 1931.  The photo was also taken in front of Catherine's Jefferson Street home.
Photos from Pat Conlon Walter collection.

Click on photo to make it larger.
This Pat Conlon Walter photo, c. 1930/31, was a gathering of cousins with their Aunt Tillie Propsom. Pat and Catherine are the daughters of Jennie Propsom Conlon and Ruth, Rita and Helen are Jennie's brother Matt's daughters.