Annual Conlon Cousins' Gathering
July 21, 2012 at Noon
Hosted by
Mary and Roger Schoenberger, Tom and Sheila Walter and Connie and Ron Mathy
Special thanks to Connie and Ron who hosted at their home in the park-like setting of their beautifully landscaped yard. It did rain a small amount, but only as close as the neighbor's yard. Now that's "spotty" rain. Once again we had many of the comfort foods of the 5o's and the opportunity to update each other and learn more of our youthful escapades. It was yet another beautiful Door County day. This year we celebrated Joan's birthday at the reunion.
Mary and Roger Schoenberger, Tom and Sheila Walter and Connie and Ron Mathy
Special thanks to Connie and Ron who hosted at their home in the park-like setting of their beautifully landscaped yard. It did rain a small amount, but only as close as the neighbor's yard. Now that's "spotty" rain. Once again we had many of the comfort foods of the 5o's and the opportunity to update each other and learn more of our youthful escapades. It was yet another beautiful Door County day. This year we celebrated Joan's birthday at the reunion.
Photo by Bob Fuller
Bob Fuller Collection Photo
A copy of this photo was presented to each family attending. That's John Conlon, Sr. in the center in this more than 100 year old whimsical depiction of a friendly card game of the era. We're working on identifying the others - Pat and Anita thought the fella on the right might be Nick Conlon, brother of John. The photo was taken by OR Moore, a Sturgeon Bay photographer from 1898 to about 1920. We believe the picture is from around 1900 when John would have been 19-20. He was married in 1905 and we figured Jenny would have had other ideas for a group photo :). Hence our belief that it was taken around 1900.
I came across your site when doing some geneology digging of my own. I believe I am a decendant of Peter Conlon, John Sr's older brother who died at 35. Strangely enough my brothers and I all live in the Appleton/Oshkosh area and always thought our roots were from Michigan. I'm happy to find that Wisconsin is also home. I may have to crash the reunion sometime :) Happy Holidays! Alicia akikat@aol.com